Friday, April 4, 2008

Memphis sports.

Well well well it is about time that the city of Memphis tennessee has something to cheer about. Memhis can now cheer for the fact that they have a good team. This is about the first time in the history of Memphis that they have been able to say that we are better than you at something. Memphis' college teams have been okay, but have never been very good to the point that they are going to have a chance to accually win the tournament. Lets face it the Grizzlies are just about the worst team in the NBA. I do believe that they are the worst. They might be ranked second to last but im not exactly sure. All I know is that they are horrible and can not say that they are even a decent team. I mean they have never ever even won a playoff game. They used to be an okay team. They were able to scrape the eighth seed in the playoffs, but they could not even win a damn game. Now that the University of Memphis is doing great that gives the people that live in Memphis a reason to be proud of the stank pot city that we live in.

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