Thursday, April 10, 2008


My older cousin Angela has finally had her baby. She named her baby Emmerson Leigh Fairchild. Fairchild is her fiance's last name of course. She has been growing her belly for forever it looks like. I know first hand experience that the stomatch usually grows through oput the whole pregnancy, but Angelas' stomatch was like normal for the first three or so months then all of a sudden overnight it BLEW up like three times the size of her normal belly. She normally weighs about one hundred and fifteen pounds, but when she got pregnant she gained alot of weight. She ended up weighing around one hundred and seventy pounds. This is a gain of sixty five pounds. The normal pregnancy only gains about twenty or thirty pounds at the most. Emmerson Leigh weighed eleven pounds and thirteen ounces. Yes she was a very large baby who did npt want to come out. She is a short fat baby. Emmerson was only twenty one inches long.


April said...

Good Lord that is one huge baby. I was nine pounds when I was born, and I thought that was big. Eleven pounds is crazy. I bet that hurt so bad. What a relief though. Carrying an eleven pound baby has got to be tough. In a way I dred the whole gaining weight and getting a bigger foot size. I mean I have a lot of really cute shoes that I won't get to wear. lol Anyways congraulations to your cousin on the new baby!

Nancy said...

Congratulations to your cousin. That is a big baby, did she have to have a C-Section? My first husband was an 11 pound baby also and that was a long time ago. I believe his mother was way overdue and then they did not induce labor as often.