Friday, February 29, 2008

School shootings.

In the past few weeks in memphis there have been about six school shootings. These shootings are rising up out of no where and getting innocent people hurt. Dont get me wrong i dont think that all of the people that are getting shot are as innocent as they say they are. I remember about two weeks ago there were four days in a row where four different school had a shooting. The bad thing is that i knew two of the people that were in two seperate schools when two seperate shootings happened. Both of the stories were pretty much the same. The stories go that either a group or simply two people got into an altrication and people started coming around the scene and boosting it up. After the bystanders boosted up the scenes so much the people that were in the altrication get their friends to get into the argument also. As soon as ten people are all arguing with each other a domino effect begins to happen. just like in world wars. people get involved because their friends are, and you know everyone has a friend that will allways jump to your defense. Then when someone gets their sorry ass beat they pull out a pistol and try to act bad. Then someone on the other side pulls one out, and well the rest is history.


April said...

You know these school shootings are becoming ridiculous. It is sad to turn on the tv everyday and see another shooting has happened. I mean really people since when did shooting people and killing people get anybody anywhere. This is so stupid. It is sad that police officers and metal detectors have to be in place to protect kids. There is something really wrong with that! I am so frustrated with this world of ours!

GAbriel said...

i wanted to write about this but i just really sad that everyone just wants the attention that bad. It can happen anywhere at any time. Like april said it is stupid and it really dosnt take them anywhere if they wanted to die why take inocent people with them.