Monday, January 28, 2008

People and ambulances

Okay I know that I have only been driving for a little over two years and other people have been driving since way before I was born, but why is it that I seem to be the only person that pulls out of the way of an oncoming ambulance? I mean its not like ambulances are small and blend in or anything like that. They are large, loud, and have flashing lights all over them. I guess some people do not care that a person could be dying inside the ambulance or they are just "tards" and dont know how to push the brake pedal down. It just seems to me that if a big truck is driving towards me it is probley best to move out of the way. Look at it this way if you throw a brick at a car what happens? The brick smashes the car window or door or something like that. Now imagine a brick that is three times the size of your car............ Do you get my point? Basically ambulances are built big, loud and extra flashy so people will know to get out of the way for like two seconds so that the ambulance can get to where it is going and maybe just maybe save a life.

Jackson the Third
221 words

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