Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Homeless Project

When i was talking about my views about homelessness in class today it felt as if the rest of the class thought that i was being cold and thoughtless towards the homeless situation. I admit that im not allways good with my words in some degree, but I am not trying too bash homeless people. I was simply saying that having been on the brink of homelessness my self at one point in my life that there is no reason to sit around and try and make people feel sorry for you. Seriously all they have to do is get up off the corner and go try and get a job. People are not usually born homeless, but in some cases they are. Although you might have the odds stacked up against you at times in your life you can never just give up and say that you can not do it. (By it i mean anything that you are trying to accomplish in your life.) So all i was saying in class today is basically do not give up and let the world take the best out of you. Allways try to achieve and become the best person you can be. Most of all do not blame society for what has happened to you. Unless of course the government showed up at your door for no reason and kicked you out and took all your money for no reason.

Jackson the Third

1 comment:

Boatwright said...

I understand what you are saying but some of these homeless people have mental problems. A few of them were Vietnam Vets. One more thing, try to find a job that pays very well. The unemployment rate is at an all time high. No one can live off of minumum wage. I would like for you to try to live with that pay raise. The ford company just laid off 10,000 workers. I hope they don't end up homeless. The government does not give a damn about them.