Thursday, January 24, 2008

Brittney Spears

Okay people what happened to Brittney Spears? Ms. Spears used to be one of the best singers, dancers, and performers in the United States. Well not to me I allways thought that she was attractive, but her music allways felt like it was a bit on the short bus side of things. Then out of no where she started adopting little Indonesian babies that you only saw on the television once or twice before she went out and bought a new one. I also thought that you were either an alchoholic, addicted to medicine, or a stoner. I had no clue that you could be all three at the same time in your life. MMMMM well okay you can be two of the three things, BUT you can not be all three of them. That would just break all of the rules of drug use. I mean out of no where she stopped singing got married to a weirdo who I am sure was in it for the money, and wanted to get a quick shot at fame which he got the fame, but it was because he was I mean is a complete jackass. Then Brittney starts sniffing the happy flower and begins to shave her head. Yeah her head. She would have been better off just making a sex tape like Paris Hilton then she would be back to normal. Wait she did make a sex tape and she is still not normal yet. I guess some people can not handle the stress of having everything that they could possibly want and just go with it. Well if you can not tell I think that Brittney spears deserves all of the gossip that people can throw at her. She had everything in the world well she still has everything, but the main thing that you need, and that people is a strring role in a movie that is a knock off of scary movie(meet the spartans if you did not know.)

Jackson the Third
356 words


courtney said...

hahah Jackson that was really funny! What made you think of that? The movie? Yea you are right she had everything she wanted and then she totally blew it away. I am sure that being surrounded by the pressure of the poparotzie is hard but still that does not give her the right to go CRAZY!

Daniel Hernandez said...

i agree with coutrney as much as i love brittney she has gone crazy but you know when she got taken in for her stand off with the police she tested negative for all drugs. so i mean shes not reaaly a drug addict these days just plain old crazy. so we should go easy on her.