Okay my girlfriend and I have a dog together. This dog's name happens to be Puddin. Well his real name is Rambo, but sarah (my girlfriend) thought it would be funny if she could make the dog answer to Puddin. What kind of dog is it you may ask. This dog is not a chihuahua or a palmeranian it is not even a small dog. Our dog is a 95 pound pitt bull. Yes my big peice of meat is named Puddin. Dont get me wrong at first I hated the stupid name puddin, but it has grown on me and i like the way it sounds when you hear his feet thumping on the carpet when he runs to me when i yell PUDDING! Our dog is a pitt bull yes, but he has no aggressive streakk at all. We have had him for about a year and a half and all he does it tear up shoes and what not. He is a good dog. He is annoying at times because he demands attention all the time, and will sit there and lick me until i pet him.
Jackson the Third
206 words
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Moving out.
Okay I have recently moved out of my grandparents house into a house of my own. Well I actually moved out about a year ago. I moved out into a house with my girlfriend, and i did not yet know but my son was in her belly. So the three of us are just living it up being all alone and independent. Everything that people talk about like freedom, no curfew, and having company anytme you want is GREAT. I can come home at three in the morning and no one says anything to me. Although no one ever talks about all of the money you have to spend. Bills pile up real quick. There is the MLGW, cable, internet, my phone, sarahs phone, house note, and a whole other slew of bills that need to be paid every month. There is not usually very much money left over for sarah and I to go out and eat on, but we manage to have fun at the houose with our little seven month old baby. All in all i would have to say that it is indeed nice to say that i am on my own with my little happy family.
Jackson the Third
216 words
Jackson the Third
216 words
The Death of my Playstation!
I am one of those people that like it a little to much. I like to play my games alot. I can sit for hours at a time and play the same game, and do the same thing in the game until I get it just right. Recently I have been playing a game called Call of Duty 4 for the Xbox 360. This is a shooting game based in the future. It is sort of like a world war three type senario. I know that sounds lame but it is pretty fun, but there is a catch to this. I played it too much. I played it to the point that I won every match that I played. So I decided to play a different game. The game that I chose was Kane and lynch. It is also a shooting game, but this game is on the playstation 3. I started playing it, and it was pretty fun until the disk started going crazy and making loud noises inside of my playstation. I had no clue what was happening, but i was not prepared for what happened next. All of a sudden the disk shattered into hundreds of little peices. This explosion if you will broke my playstation to the point that it will not turn on anymore. I just wanted to get this off of my chest because it made me so sad that six hundred dollars just flushed it self down the drain.
Jackson the Third
250 words
Jackson the Third
250 words
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Internet
How come schools are almost exclusively using the internet now? What ever happene to simply writing your paper then bringing it in to class on the assigned day and getting your grade that way? It seems like teachers and other such people do not like paper anymore. Has paper offended you in some way that us as students should know about, or do you just not like carrying all of those papers home everyday? If a student comes from a household that does not have a computer with the internet how is the student ever going to catch up to the school work if he/she has to constantly worry about if he/she finishes the work how am i going to turn it in? That has been a big draw back for me because I did not use the internet very much before I got into college. I did not use instant messenger or whatever it is called. If I wanted to talk to somebody i simply called them. The internet is a good thing do not get me wrong, but i would rather write up or type up a paper and turn it in that way, or at least that was the way i felt before i learned how to use these contraptions called computers.
Jackson the Third
213 words
Jackson the Third
213 words
People and ambulances
Okay I know that I have only been driving for a little over two years and other people have been driving since way before I was born, but why is it that I seem to be the only person that pulls out of the way of an oncoming ambulance? I mean its not like ambulances are small and blend in or anything like that. They are large, loud, and have flashing lights all over them. I guess some people do not care that a person could be dying inside the ambulance or they are just "tards" and dont know how to push the brake pedal down. It just seems to me that if a big truck is driving towards me it is probley best to move out of the way. Look at it this way if you throw a brick at a car what happens? The brick smashes the car window or door or something like that. Now imagine a brick that is three times the size of your car............ Do you get my point? Basically ambulances are built big, loud and extra flashy so people will know to get out of the way for like two seconds so that the ambulance can get to where it is going and maybe just maybe save a life.
Jackson the Third
221 words
Jackson the Third
221 words
Thursday, January 24, 2008
My Story
Basically im a pretty average kid. My name is Jackson Lloyd Martin III yes I am a third. How many other thirds do you know? I would be willing to bet not very many. I was born in Clearwater Florida area code 727, and my family and I maved out of there at an early age to Memphis because my granddad got a job up here, and i was not to pleased with the city when Ifirst moved here. I talked bad about the cold that we have because remember I am from Florida where it never gets cold, but then I moved to Chicago with my dad. Needless to say that damn city is far to cold so with in a month I moved back down to Memphis with my grandparents where i have lived for the majority of my life. I am eighteen and weigh a little over 200 lbs. I know it doesn't look like it does it. My major is Biology because I want to be a dentist. The main reason that I want to be a Dentist is because im very lazy and they only work three days a week and if they are really swamped they will come in for a fourth day. Also my orthadontist (yes I have braces) has agreed to let me intern there as soon as i get the chance to. So basically I know what i want to do for the rest of my life.
Jackson the Third
251 words
Jackson the Third
251 words
Brittney Spears
Okay people what happened to Brittney Spears? Ms. Spears used to be one of the best singers, dancers, and performers in the United States. Well not to me I allways thought that she was attractive, but her music allways felt like it was a bit on the short bus side of things. Then out of no where she started adopting little Indonesian babies that you only saw on the television once or twice before she went out and bought a new one. I also thought that you were either an alchoholic, addicted to medicine, or a stoner. I had no clue that you could be all three at the same time in your life. MMMMM well okay you can be two of the three things, BUT you can not be all three of them. That would just break all of the rules of drug use. I mean out of no where she stopped singing got married to a weirdo who I am sure was in it for the money, and wanted to get a quick shot at fame which he got the fame, but it was because he was I mean is a complete jackass. Then Brittney starts sniffing the happy flower and begins to shave her head. Yeah her head. She would have been better off just making a sex tape like Paris Hilton then she would be back to normal. Wait she did make a sex tape and she is still not normal yet. I guess some people can not handle the stress of having everything that they could possibly want and just go with it. Well if you can not tell I think that Brittney spears deserves all of the gossip that people can throw at her. She had everything in the world well she still has everything, but the main thing that you need, and that people is a strring role in a movie that is a knock off of scary movie(meet the spartans if you did not know.)
Jackson the Third
356 words
Jackson the Third
356 words
Chewing Gum
How come every time I sit down at one of these desks at the University of Memphis and reach down to scratch my leg or pick up a book or something else I feel nothing but old, moldy, rusted dry, and decayed gum under the desk top. Frankly im tired of looking at the bottom of the desks in all of the classrooms to try and find a desk that is not going to give me herpes or something of that nature, but at least thats all I am finding under the desks. Because at Craigmont (the highschool that I graduated from) it was not uncommon for a condom or something of that nature to be found under the desks, and yes they were often filled up if you know what I mean. So I propose that if you see someone putting their waste under a desk top that you might have to sit at tomorrow why dont you bust them out and make them wish they never even thought of being so triffling. I would like to go ahead and say that thank you for not defiling the desks that i sit in every day because now I know that I will not have to take any special trips to the doctor's office just to get the aids that your nasty chewed up gum left on me checked out. I would also like to think that these restrooms that I go into everyday, and I see bodily excriments (not just pee-pee either) on the floor that the students in this class are not the ones doing it.
Jackson the Third
272 words
Jackson the Third
272 words
My Homeless Project
When i was talking about my views about homelessness in class today it felt as if the rest of the class thought that i was being cold and thoughtless towards the homeless situation. I admit that im not allways good with my words in some degree, but I am not trying too bash homeless people. I was simply saying that having been on the brink of homelessness my self at one point in my life that there is no reason to sit around and try and make people feel sorry for you. Seriously all they have to do is get up off the corner and go try and get a job. People are not usually born homeless, but in some cases they are. Although you might have the odds stacked up against you at times in your life you can never just give up and say that you can not do it. (By it i mean anything that you are trying to accomplish in your life.) So all i was saying in class today is basically do not give up and let the world take the best out of you. Allways try to achieve and become the best person you can be. Most of all do not blame society for what has happened to you. Unless of course the government showed up at your door for no reason and kicked you out and took all your money for no reason.
Jackson the Third
Jackson the Third
Im open for bets!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!
Okay okay its that time of the year again, and the Super Bowl is right around the corner. Guess what people my team made it again! Yes thats right im a dreaded PATRIOTS fan. I have been a Pats fan since the beginning. Well of course I mean when I started watching football around when I was five years old. Now im sure you are thinking that i just jumped on the Pats bandwagon, but you my friend would be far from the truth. I'm a die hard fan and i will remain one even when Tom Brady, Randy moss, Wes Welker, and the rest of the Pats players retire, and get their numbers retired. Now i dont want you to get me wrong i believe that this will be a good game, but we all know that the Giants are a fluke and the Packers and Brett Favre should have skunked them. The only reason that that did not happen is because........... well I admit Eli had a good game, but that will be his last good game of the 2007 season.
P.S. If anyone is ready to put their money up on those *COUGH COUGH* Giants *COUGH COUGH* you know where I will be.
Jackson the third
209 words
P.S. If anyone is ready to put their money up on those *COUGH COUGH* Giants *COUGH COUGH* you know where I will be.
Jackson the third
209 words
Monday, January 21, 2008
My manifesto
A manifesto is a public declaration that one person or a group of people make that they believe will change something, or fix a problem that plagues the world. Manifestos can contain principles and intentions that are often political in nature, but are not limited to politics. Manifestos can outline particular points of a persons’ life, school work, or simply his/her strategy to accomplish a goal of any sort.
Their have been numerous manifestos. Some of them have been received well by the public while others have been completely rejected and thrown out of the topic of discussion. A few manifestos that were accepted by the general public are The United States Declaration of Independence written by the second continental congress, The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx, and also Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler himself. Although the Declaration of Independence turned out to be a very good thing the public was split on whether this new manifesto was going to be accepted or not. The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf were accepted by the public right from the get go because both Hitler and Karl Marx had a way with their words. The Second Continental Congress, Karl Marx, and Adolf Hitler all laid their intentions out on the table, and both great and terrible things have come from the brains of these men.
The Declaration of Independence, written by the Second Continental Congress for the United States of America was accepted and adopted on July 4, 1776. The Declaration declared that the thirteen colonies in northern America were to be announced “Free and Independent States” and that “all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved.” The Document was passed because there was a unanimous decision by all thirteen colonies. The Declaration also explained the justifications for separation from the British crown, and was an expansion of Richard Lee’s Resolution which was passed by congress on July the second.
Another very influential manifesto was The Communist Manifesto (The Manifesto of the Communist Party) was written by two communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This manifesto planned out the suggested course of action for a proletarian or working class revolution. The whole point of this manifesto was to overthrow the bourgeois social class order, and to eventually bring about a stateless and classless world. This manifesto was first published on February 21, 1848, and ever since then the very influential political tracks that Marx laid out have been followed without question. This Manifesto was commissioned by the Communist league.
Finally Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf was a manifesto written for the world to know exactly how Hitler was going to take Europe over. The German-Austrian dictator wrote the first edition of Mein Kampf in 1925, and later in 1926 he wrote the second version. This manifesto was heavily influenced by Gustave Le Bon’s 1895 The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind. Mein Kampf has a very prominent violent Anti-Semitic view. Hitler also discusses his views on “the Jewish Peril”, and says that it is impossible to be a German and a Jew at the same time. This manifesto is also a book on political theory because Hitler talks about his view of the worlds twin evils Communism and Judaism. Mein Kampf also laid the stage of how Germany was going to rise up and overthrow the shackles that the Treaty of Versailles placed on them.
Jacksons’ Goals to Take over the World!!!
First off I will need to finish writing this paper. For the betterment of my life I will need to graduate from these little classes that I am taking at the moment. Then I will also need to finish up with my regular four year college education, or finish up my junior year before I can get accepted into the universities Dental program. Before I can obtain my bachelors degree, or get accepted into the dental school I will need to maintain my management position at McDonalds so that I can keep affording to travel all the way out to the U of M campus from Bartlett everyday. After I finish up with my college education I will spend one to two years as an intern at the dentist office of my choice, and after that I will be able to become a licensed dentist. I plan on working at the dentist office that I interned at for a few years after I finish with my internship so I can save up my money and be able to afford my own office. After I open my own office I will keep grinding on and on and letting the money pile up, or at least I hope it is money piling up and not the bills. If I am lucky enough to make enough money to hire a few other workers, a secretary, and maybe even the top notch machines I will try and expand the office into two stores, and I will hire more licensed dentists to run the other store while I run the first. Following the purchase of the second store I will begin training another dentist to run the store that I am working at so I can become more of a supervisor over the two stores, and after all that I will watch the two stores grow to four then to eight until I monopolize the dental market. By the way this will all take place in southern France.
Their have been numerous manifestos. Some of them have been received well by the public while others have been completely rejected and thrown out of the topic of discussion. A few manifestos that were accepted by the general public are The United States Declaration of Independence written by the second continental congress, The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx, and also Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler himself. Although the Declaration of Independence turned out to be a very good thing the public was split on whether this new manifesto was going to be accepted or not. The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf were accepted by the public right from the get go because both Hitler and Karl Marx had a way with their words. The Second Continental Congress, Karl Marx, and Adolf Hitler all laid their intentions out on the table, and both great and terrible things have come from the brains of these men.
The Declaration of Independence, written by the Second Continental Congress for the United States of America was accepted and adopted on July 4, 1776. The Declaration declared that the thirteen colonies in northern America were to be announced “Free and Independent States” and that “all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved.” The Document was passed because there was a unanimous decision by all thirteen colonies. The Declaration also explained the justifications for separation from the British crown, and was an expansion of Richard Lee’s Resolution which was passed by congress on July the second.
Another very influential manifesto was The Communist Manifesto (The Manifesto of the Communist Party) was written by two communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This manifesto planned out the suggested course of action for a proletarian or working class revolution. The whole point of this manifesto was to overthrow the bourgeois social class order, and to eventually bring about a stateless and classless world. This manifesto was first published on February 21, 1848, and ever since then the very influential political tracks that Marx laid out have been followed without question. This Manifesto was commissioned by the Communist league.
Finally Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf was a manifesto written for the world to know exactly how Hitler was going to take Europe over. The German-Austrian dictator wrote the first edition of Mein Kampf in 1925, and later in 1926 he wrote the second version. This manifesto was heavily influenced by Gustave Le Bon’s 1895 The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind. Mein Kampf has a very prominent violent Anti-Semitic view. Hitler also discusses his views on “the Jewish Peril”, and says that it is impossible to be a German and a Jew at the same time. This manifesto is also a book on political theory because Hitler talks about his view of the worlds twin evils Communism and Judaism. Mein Kampf also laid the stage of how Germany was going to rise up and overthrow the shackles that the Treaty of Versailles placed on them.
Jacksons’ Goals to Take over the World!!!
First off I will need to finish writing this paper. For the betterment of my life I will need to graduate from these little classes that I am taking at the moment. Then I will also need to finish up with my regular four year college education, or finish up my junior year before I can get accepted into the universities Dental program. Before I can obtain my bachelors degree, or get accepted into the dental school I will need to maintain my management position at McDonalds so that I can keep affording to travel all the way out to the U of M campus from Bartlett everyday. After I finish up with my college education I will spend one to two years as an intern at the dentist office of my choice, and after that I will be able to become a licensed dentist. I plan on working at the dentist office that I interned at for a few years after I finish with my internship so I can save up my money and be able to afford my own office. After I open my own office I will keep grinding on and on and letting the money pile up, or at least I hope it is money piling up and not the bills. If I am lucky enough to make enough money to hire a few other workers, a secretary, and maybe even the top notch machines I will try and expand the office into two stores, and I will hire more licensed dentists to run the other store while I run the first. Following the purchase of the second store I will begin training another dentist to run the store that I am working at so I can become more of a supervisor over the two stores, and after all that I will watch the two stores grow to four then to eight until I monopolize the dental market. By the way this will all take place in southern France.
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