Monday, March 17, 2008

parents are crazy.

Okay my girlfriend works at a daycare, and has to deal with litle bad ass kids all day. Now some of these children are not so bad, and then there are the ones that continuesly piss her off to a degree that she gets mad at the world, but the main problem is that the majority of the parents are dumb asses. The majority of these dumb ass parent get mad at the fact that they think that there are too many kids in each class. The fact is that there are only four kids to each one teacher. That is not too many that is a small number. Then there are the parents that get mad because you dont hold their child for the whole day. That is impossible to do because there are more than one child in the room at the same time, and i think it hard to hole four to five children at once. I know that i am just ranting on and on about these crazy people but it helps me sleep at night because i know that i have talked bad about them behind their back. That is to say that these parents more than likely tallk about my girlfriend behind her back


courtney said...

hahaha! I guess you are venting all of this because your girlfriend vents to you a lot!? Ya, daycare is an extremely hard job. My mom works at preschools and it is the same way. I think it is just so hard for the parents to finally let go of their kids and realize it is time to.

GAbriel said...

hhaha thats funnny man little kids might be cute and all but they can be really nad once they are not around their parents. but hey man i understand the frustration.