Monday, March 17, 2008

Memphis #1.

Well i was watching the news last night and i saw it. memphis is once again back to the top of the country in college basketball. This does not really affect me because i dont really watch that much college sports because they are a little boring to me. I like to watch professional sports because they are more interesting. The fact that my college is number one in the country is a very cool thing because i can call all my friends that went to different colleges or ones that did not go to college and tell them that my college is better than yoursa because we can oplay basketball, and then win at it when we do play. I mean the fact that they are good and all is nice but i dont think that they are still people playing a game. There is also the fact that Tennessee is still a much better all around team that has handed memphis their only loss of the season, and will give them another if we play them again in the tournament. The University of North Carolina is also a better team than the University of memphis any way.

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